technology has changed the modern human being into a machine that is acting without a great deal of feelings. this is totally dangerous -having little room for feelings- because humanity cant achieve develompment if they don't have enough feelings even to techology itself.
i think it is so romantic living without technology ; humanity did achieve a great deal of development during the romantic age.
ReplyDeleteاوافقك الرأي من ناحية واعارضك من ناحية اخرى فالتكنولوجيا مهمة جدا في حياتنا من حيث التسهيلات التي قدمتها لنا فلا نستطيع الاستغناء عنا بعد ان اعتدنا عليها...
مع خالص شكري لك استاذ عبد الحميد
you are right Mr. Abdl Hameed Jabshee. Nowdays, our life is not as simple is used to be. KIds playing games, mom on the phone and dad is watching tv!